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Instant cashback


How Giftsy cashback works?

Upgrade your shopping with our cashback program.
Every buy rewards you with real money in your ZEN.COM account.
Spend or save your cashback your way. It's fast, easy, and rewarding!

Step 1
Buy your gift card
Pick and pay your favorite giftcard or subscription and set yourself up for a cashback treat.
Step 2
Get an email with a QR code
Check your email for a unique QR code and instructions post-purchase.
Step 3
Scan it with ZEN.COM APP and get the cashback
Scan the QR code in ZEN APP and watch your cashback flow into your ZEN balance. Now your are free to use that money whatever you want.
No ZEN.COM APP? No problem. Download, sign up, and you're set to claim your cashback.
Scan to get the ZEN.COM app
Note: If you already have a ZEN account, the cashback will be added automatically.
Experience the future of shopping with our cashback program.
Each purchase not only brings you savings but also perks through ZEN.COM, your free online bank account tailored for a superior shopping experience.
Embrace ZEN.COM's promise: "A payment app for the most peaceful shopping and money management."
Enjoy instant cashback, 1-year extended warranty, and shopping protection. Transform your purchases into rewards effortlessly with us!